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Tagged (2)
Saturday, March 28, 2009
Remove 1 question from below and add in a personal question, make it a total of 20 questions. Then tag 5 people in your list, list them out at the end of this post. Notify them in their chat box that he/she has been tagged.
1. If you could spend one Ringgit in 5 minutes, what would you spend on ?
2. What is your most favourite thing to do ?
eat sleep eat sleep eat sleep :D
3. If you are given a chance to reverse your life,will you back to the past ?
no o.O
4. What would u do if u were to die tomorrow ?
find my hubby :)
5. Is there someone in your heart right now ?
6. Do you feel loved in this world ?
ofcox :) love hubby hooooo
7. What are you afraid to lose the most ?
dear :(
8. What do you feel like doing right now ?
sleep :)
sleep :)
9. If there’s someone that you love, would you confess to him/her ?
10. List 5 things that u like in a guy/girl.
Chubby,Clever den me,Caring,Considerate,Cute
Chubby,Clever den me,Caring,Considerate,Cute
11. What are the requirements that you not wish from your other half?
love me den enough :)
12. What do you think is your purpose in life?
be with dear
13. Do you feel like killing someone at the moment?
no :) just feel wanna bite my dear :)
14. If you had to eat one thing for the rest of your life, what would it be?
sushi :)
15. If you had a choice to be rich or happy, which one would you pick?
happy :)
16. If you have a chance, which part of your character you would like to change?
dun wan so thin ! :(
17. What is the most prized possession that you wish you can bring to Heaven?
dunno o.O
18. Name one love song that you have in mind and why?
thinking of you o.O cause i thinking of him xD
19. What is the one thing you love about yourself?
ntg lols
20. What is your goal for your life?
married with him xD
pls refer here to know whether you have been tagged as well
tagged (1)
幸福點點名遊戲,回答下列問題,幸福就不會跑掉喔 1.我的大名 : Char Hui Kee
2.我的生日 : 19 . 07 . 90
3.誰傳給你的 : Yeann
4.說出五個好朋友 : ♥♥♥♥♥
5.生日想要得到什麼禮物 : present :)
6.近期開心的是 : met him
7.近期壓力大的是 : assignment ==
8.未來想做什麼啊 : Rich girl :)
9.有沒有喜歡的人 : yea
10.同學會要回去找老師嗎 : depends
11.跟誰出去最幸福 : him
12.如果你的兩個好友吵架了 : dun care lols ( dun so 8 ma ) :)
13.跟情人出去最想去哪 : everywhere that he bring :)
14.聖誕節要做啥 : hang out with him
15.最想跟誰過聖誕節 : him
16.有沒有起床气 : ???
17.有幾個兄弟姐妹 : 1 sister
18.最喜歡的一首歌(女生的) : 撄花草 - Sweety
19.最喜歡的一首歌(男生的) : Everything - LeeHom
20.喜歡什麼顏色 : white ! PINK !
21.上廁所會不會先沖水 : sometimes wont?
22.愛不愛我 : love him :D
23.喜歡男生還是女生 :boy ofcox ==
24.最想大聲說什麼 : 你好可爱啊!
25.半夜敢不敢自己上廁所 : sometimes will :) depends on really wanna pee :X
26.上廁所會不會脫褲褲 : of course ==
27.誰很欠打 : bitches!
28.現在很迷什麼 : him :)
29.睡相很差 : is cute not 差 xD
26.上廁所會不會脫褲褲 : of course ==
27.誰很欠打 : bitches!
28.現在很迷什麼 : him :)
29.睡相很差 : is cute not 差 xD
30.現在的時間 : 11.33pm
31.是否痛恨傳給你點卷的人 : YES, so long ! wanna sleep le ==
32.體重多少 : secret :)
33.今天天氣 : forget xD
34.你懷孕了嗎 : LOL?==
35.你若中樂透最想做什么 : SHOPPING :D
36.大學生一定要玩的活動 : clubbing? o.O
1. Dear
31.是否痛恨傳給你點卷的人 : YES, so long ! wanna sleep le ==
32.體重多少 : secret :)
33.今天天氣 : forget xD
34.你懷孕了嗎 : LOL?==
35.你若中樂透最想做什么 : SHOPPING :D
36.大學生一定要玩的活動 : clubbing? o.O
1. Dear
2. Suki
3. EnEn
4. San
5. Sok Yan
【 8號的興趣是】:吃 dunno
【你怎麼認識10號的】: dunno
【你和9號有出去玩過嗎】: dunno
1.是誰傳給你這份問卷的 : yeann
2.你們認識多久呢 : not sure =X
3.你覺得他(她)對你來說很重要嗎 : o.O
4.你與他(她)的關係是 : frens
5.請問他(她)的興趣是 : ah?
6.你覺得他(她)的個性如何 nice :)
7.他(她)在你心目中是幾分 : dunno
*睡覺前第一件事 :phone wif dear
*起床前第一件事 : brush my teeth
*你的偶像是 : khai xD
*你喜歡的季節 : fall
*你打工過嗎 : yups
*打工次數 : once
*你想去的國家 : england
*你討厭什麼樣的個性 : lier
*你常哭嗎 : nope
*你常笑嗎 : maybe xD
*去玩時喜歡一個人去嗎 : NO! i scare got ghost !
*是假日時你都睡到幾點 : sleep till i feel good :)
*今天的天氣是(晴 雨 陰): forget le la!
*朋友和情人你會選擇 : ofcoz my dear :)
*機會和命運你會選擇 : 机会
*你很自戀嗎 : perhaps
*這問卷多不多 : ya ==
*要怎樣才能讓自己過的好一點 : find dear
*喜欢吃什么 : chocolate
*喜歡吃冰嗎 : not really
*現在幸福嗎 : YES!
*最在乎哪幾個朋友 : not really
*房間裡最重要的東西是什麼 : 床
*最常夢到什麼 : hubby
*男人精神出軌要不要原諒他 : o.O what mean?
*你认为人生的意义是什么 : 享受
*你知道吗?(看你们怎么回答!): dunno
*什么时候最讨厌我 : this stupid tag
*向往出世抑或入世,向往道家抑或儒家? : o.O
*你喜欢吃什么蛋糕? : cheese cake
*请问这个游戏可以停止了吗? : ==
*喜欢沙丁鱼吗^^? : no
*谁是你的知己? : khai
*IQ/EQ哪一个比较高? : EQ IQ oso not high
*電腦还是手機? : two of them
*比较喜欢睡觉还是玩? : sleep :)
*Friendster 还是 Facebook ? : friendster
so long ! WTF!
tagged (1)
Thursday, March 26, 2009
tuesday work :)
(24/3/09 )
2nd time use charcoal stick and soft to draw =X
1st time is at secondary school xD
is fun o.o
but hands oso become black when finish x.x
tuesday nite i rush this assignment ><
i simply do =X
look so childish ==
today got group discussion so.....
class will start earlier with another class :)
dear fetch me go today :D
he is so cute !
but is too early :(
i wait my group member
from 8:08am - 9:00am
really faint
i go 711 shopping ==
after i beh tahan adi
and i eat 1 nasi lemak at thr =X
till 8:30.
i go Station 1 drink hot chocolate
there can sit ma :D
finally they come
1st : Jun Liang
2nd : Issac
3rd : Yong Man
go up den find our chair :)
meet our group member oso :D
start class :)
we 4 are special ==
so cute :)
so nice !
look alike U KNOW !
“ 心机很重 ”
see ! mine ==
look like ah ma
but abit like ah pek =X
comfort myself :)
teacher adi teach me but still so ugly !
true failure :(
argh !
so ugly ==
after class
we go eat MC :)
but Jun Liang never eat and tell us
" very hot, ate to poor health "
we all like " LOL? "
so he only eat ice cream
they say air conditioning ( ice cream )
The End ♡
♥ hearts hubby :)
so miss you :(
❤ 3days
Sunday, March 22, 2009
today figure study :)
drawing for today :)
like alien o.O lmao
need pass up 5 figure next week
gosh! ==
goin back home and need rush rush rush !
because dear 7pm come and fetch me go
hubby at my hse eat dinner :)
very jam :(
but we are still early ? i think =X
everyone was very high xD
a very nice concert ! :D
we nvr feel sleepy at all hehe
but i feel tired :(
u know what? all the uncle auntie oso very high !
from the beginning till end !
pro =X
picture all in hubby camera :(
update? when free ba xD
udated picha :)
♥ 21/3/09
today we discuss to watch 2 movie :)
we go time square :D
my sis and her bf oso owh =X
we watch together
*for sure not sit together lur :)
1st time watch 2 movie at the same day
really tired =X
tonight is hubby's brother b'day :)
*Jing Han
i go with my sis :)
by car ( i drive )
i feel scary when drive xD
but my hubby hse was near by my hse oni la xD
almost 1130pm i back home
but i really regret to back home
cause is many little children at my house ==
dear ! love u :D